OwenQuinlan7’s avatarOwenQuinlan7’s Twitter Archive—№ 5,343

        1. I looked further into it, the origional creator(s?) patented the technique... of making the first X letter bold so they can sell it to developers 🥴 After some looking around I did find an unpublished chrome extenstion and a tamper monkey script but nothing like super easy :( @OwenQuinlan7/1526950508694753281
      1. …in reply to @OwenQuinlan7
        For the tamper monkey one I made it a bit easier, just check out the repo I threw together to see how to use it github.com/BuyMyMojo/Bionify
    1. …in reply to @OwenQuinlan7
      To use the arguably nicer extension it takes a little more work. Go to the github page(2nd link), click the green code button in the top right, download zip, then unzip it. Then follow a quick guide on how to install (1st link) developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/getstarted/#unpacked github.com/ahrm/chrome-fastread
  1. …in reply to @OwenQuinlan7
    Now this is pog
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API