OwenQuinlan7’s avatarOwenQuinlan7’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,782

      1. ProRes 30fps chat: 54.2GB Normal (H264) 60fps chat: 1.95GB Full length of video: 4 hours and 7 minutes 38 seconds @OwenQuinlan7/1618723189722603520
    1. …in reply to @OwenQuinlan7
      The funniest thing is with the Normal one, it has 7 speed presets, the slower the preset the smaller the video, and the 1.95GB output was at the fastest preset so it could be shrunk down a maybe substantial amount more lmao.
  1. …in reply to @OwenQuinlan7
    Either way, so for just using twitch chat in video content using the normal format is obviously the way to go