She lives! And with a single 12TB pool instead of 2 separate ones. Life is good, now if only I had a fast connection to this thing from home;;;

This is me and work. It's 5AM, I need to be up in 5 and a half hours at the latest to not be late. The worst part is that it's not an hourly wage, so the uncertainty of going there and making no money ask day *again* this week kills me

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Give me your micro game ideas. I want to CREATE! I'm dookies at coming up with new ideas or plans but I at least think I'm okay at creating from suggestion. Gimmie all you got #gamedev blue sky!

Okay, so the #steamdeck is coming to Australia in 11 days. If I math correctly, I can afford it IF I sell my soul and swindle the king. Yeah, I should be covered :)

BuyMyMojo "Can you help me with my erectile dysfunction" NPC: "I-I'm just a courier???" Riki: "That doesn't you you can't be a lover" A lovely #pathfinder interaction for you

"All I wanna do is kiss women and drink red bull" - I love #pathfinder conversations

"Time is fuck, see you in an hour" -'s apple intelligence summary for my message about time zones for out #pathfinder #2e campaign

I think my fetish is computer storage and networking. I wish I had the money for a custom nas with 2.5gig networking, is that too much to ask for? (Spoiler alert: yes, yes it is)

It's finally migrate my old #Truenas Core server that hasn't been updates in nearly 2 years up to Truenas Scale 24 and update my #Nextcloud instance from version 25 to version 30 :) This is gonna be a painful and slow process but well worth it to move away from FreeBSD and to normal Linux lmao

Made an absolutely cursed ship in #Factorio today... it should probably be burnt down but hey it works! great for shipping cargo between worlds

Been playing the new Factorio DLC with a couple people and it's been pretty fun. finally laid down some structures in space! I'm glad I got to be the first one to mess around in space, I'm love it :)

I'm watching the final movie of the Ghost in the shell Arise series and there is this cool scene showing a building that was damaged earlier in the movie having the damaged floors replaced. This is super cool world building. I am so fucking excited for the new anime come 2026

Just finished Astro Bot and it is such a damn good game. Honestly the most enjoyable credits sequence I've experienced in a while too. Full Credits Sequence:

So I've started a little project and I don't think any future code I write will top "GetTargetGender()" and "GetHRT()" :)

I'm sick of seeing "GMO free" stuff, I want the most genetically modified food you have. give me the bright purple glow in the dark oranges, cowards

My phone part suppliers put branded tape on their cardboard boxes when I order parts. why? I've already ordered from you, no one in the chain of it getting to me will be like "yeah I'll check this out and order a phone part" and none of my customers are going to see it. What is the value here?????

On the Wikipedia page for Biscuits there is an image labeled "Dunking a biscuit" and I think this counts as art.

Did the #TinyDaily today, a cute lil tower!!

I love #TinyGlade so much, it's so dang cuteeeeee

how does one even find a jr position is game development or software development when you live in the middle of bum-fuk nowhere

Someone came into my shop today and they looked like bill murray, that is all thank you

Autogen text: `Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #1,323,847!` Honestly that is lower than I thought it was gonna be. all things considered I was decently early lol

Some days I absolutely despise working on peoples phones and ipads but today I got an eclair for helping a lady make an ebay purchase so life is good

both my BG3 and Cyberpunk installs had jank modding situations so of course just transferring them to the linux install was a bit broken... I'm so glad these massive games only take *nearly an entire day* to download! yippie! yay! Yahoo!!
1 replies

So far the linux install has been great. I've ran into two slight issues so far but over all things are good, I even for wireless VR working lol.
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The fresh Linux drive in question (I find the heat sync on this SSD nice. It has WEIGHT, lmao)

I think it's time for the bi-yearly attempt to switch over to Linux :)

I have been given video! no one is safe from FPS and video encoding analsys! (This specific example is recording a VRR signal from my PS5 using my capture card in 240hz 1080p mode and seeing if I can get useful frame rate analasys out of it. it seems to work pretty well actually!)

Mmmmm quesadillas 🤤

I *just* got an Elegoo Neptune 4 3D printer and within a couple days I put a deep grove into the textured print bed... The Z height adjustment can have delay as it waits for some gcode to be processed before it accepts external commands. another 40$ down the hole getting a new bed I guess :(

Finally finished #FF7 remake. only took 36 hours (6 of which where the final fight section, I'm sure of it...)
1 replies

Took some photos the other day before I got the flu, enjoy :) #photography

This PCB is from the inside of a metal box with some very thick rubber gaskets sealing it from moisture. You cannot tell me that this half dunking of conformal coating is to make it more weatherproof. I have no doubt John Deer (the person obviously 😉) put it there to make repair work harder

I’m thinking of getting a blue ray drive to store my downloaded anime. I might have a lot of storage space but I don’t want it all to be taken up by rarely consumed media Plus this means permanent “ownership” instead of needing to redownload Gonna have a disk binder like the classic days of piracy

Blue sky is slowly shaping up, honestly it’s pretty hype. I gotta start posting here more often. Will probably share some random #pathfinder2e and #foundryvtt content soon™️

A customer decided to give me over 200 floppy disks. Over half have data and about 80 brand new still in their shrink wrap which is super cool. Gonna need to get a usb floppy drive to see if any have data that isn’t archived yet, I doubt it but never hurts to check!! #floppydisk #Retrocompting

I got some fun pictures of the moon earlier, pretty funky looking

when I wash my dog he becomes the cutest wet rat there is

Capture cards (and cameras too I guess) for discord streaming is pretty hype! Could theoretically use it to get an NDI stream from another system into discord with audio too 🤔
A screenshot of Discord's Screen Share menu, now displaying a "Capture Devices" tab featuring capture devices such as capture cards and cameras